
Engineering Leader
41 Years of Service
Jeff Dwyer

Jeff has been around. His long history at Willington Nameplate, starting off in various print/surface areas, moving into Purchasing & Inventory and now as Engineering Leader, has made him a true jack-of-all-trades. It’s not uncommon to hear, “Ask Jeff,” when there is any production question, from process efficiency and material type to printing limitations.

He always has customer satisfaction on his mind. He helps lead the daily operations meeting where every team is made aware of what is going on and working in unison to achieve 100% delivery for customers. He isn’t one to sit still for too long, so it is common to find him on the production floor helping to make decisions and troubleshoot within each department. Jeff is also a welcome “wing man.” He willingly supports other employees when they have to speak in front of the company at kaizen events or other meetings by helping expand on and clarify their thoughts .

Jeff isn’t all business. His wicked sense of humor helps lighten long meetings and tight production schedules. Attending festivals, volunteering for favorite causes and spending time in Vermont with his wife make his non-work hours not like work at all.