UID Labels & Tags

Unique Identification Labels & Asset Management Tags for Traceability
UID Labels & Tags

Unique Codes, Unmatched Asset Identification

UID (unique identifier) nameplates, labels and tags provide asset and inventory control for Industrial OEM and military supply chain management traceability. UID can be a linear barcode or a 2D Matrix code (in accordance with MIL-STD-130M) and can be created using many of our capabilities, including Metalphoto® for maximum durability.

If you are required to use UID, our experienced customer service representatives will help you navigate the requirements and options available. They will work with you to engineer a combination of substrate, marking, finish, and fastening that will best suit your product’s material makeup and the environmental conditions it will endure. Some of the capabilities also include screen printing, heat transfer and flexography.

As of January 1, 2004 the DoD (Department of Defense) requires Unique Identification (UID) for all new solicitations, contracts or delivery orders for tangible items delivered to the government in accordance with DFARS Clause 252.211-7003 if items

• have a unit acquisition cost over $5000
• are serially managed
• are deemed mission essential
• are considered controlled inventory
• are consumable items or materials where permanent identification is necessary


EnvironmentMild to Harsh
MaterialPolyester, Vinyl, Paper, Photo Anodized Aluminum, Aluminum
FabricationCNC, Custom Tooling, Shearing
ColorPantone Matching System, Federal Standard, ANSI

UID Capabilities

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